2017 02 02 Coming Home

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So it is that time of year again. It is gloomy outside, nasty and cold. The dragster engine is apart and waiting to be freshened up pout at Freedom Racing Engines.

So what to do? I know, let’s get a couple of Car Nuts together on cold February morning and get the 49 out of the trailer and into the garage to do some projects on it

My driveway is a bone of contention.  It has quite a slope so it takes a number of people to pull it up the slope of the trailer floor and over the peak to get it into the garage. To get an idea of the slope of the driveway, take a look at the ceiling in the trailer



At this point, my wife is taking the pictures and what a point of view she had


Once the 49 is over the peak of the beavertail in the trailer, we needed a couple of good brake men to keep it from rolling through the rear wall of the garage




Hooray, it is safely in the garage




So with the number of hands available, we removed the hood and front clip to store in the trailer. There is only so much space in the garage and on the back porch.



So, what are the plans? Well, I would like to get the driver’s side floor pan finish welded in, install the passenger side floor pan, finish plumbing the radiator, install the fuel tank and the battery box, and do enough wiring that the engine can be fired up




We had a good turnout, although the Car Nuts did not finish their responsibilities. There were donuts left over that they did not eat. Coffee and pop was drunk and a good time was had.




Ken was wondering if Humpty Dumpty (dragster blower engine) can be put back together again