1978 Pontiac Firebird Week 2009 12 26


This Saturday, we had another meeting of the Car Nuts. In attendance was Tom Deyle, Len Ball, Jack Dennis, Norm   Biggar and Donald Goodman.

This is what took place. The following items were installed:
Carburetor and fuel lines
The new forward pattern shifter
Transmission coolant lines
Radiator hoses
Starter and cables.

We crossed our fingers and hit the start button and nothing happened, what a let down.

For some reason the start button is not sending power to the starter solenoid, we jumped it. On hine site I believe that the starter safety switch on the shifter is not working and that is why the starter button is not working. I will have to look into that.

With the starter solenoid jumped the engine cranked but had some back fires though the carburetor. The firing order was messed up, plug wires on cylinders 5 and 7 had to be switched. Cranked it again and it fired right up.

It was good to hear and uncapped engine again and smell race gas.

We forgot to have the run of with the practice tree, must have been the gas fumes!!

No car nuts meeting this weekend, but there will be on 1/2/2010 

PC190004_small Jack Dennis the fuel expert starting the install of the carburetor.
PC190007_small Yes, Lenny that is a race motor, not a 454 in a Packard.
PC190008_small Don Goodman, our drive train expert, installing the new shifter
PC190009_small Here is what goes on most of the time: we wander around not knowing what is next, or what tool is required, or for that matter where it is.
PC190018_small Somehow, it actually runs after we played with it. Lots of small item to finish.
PC190019_small Ok, now we are really in trouble!
Well I guess I just do not have enough to do, so I decided to insulate and wallboard the garage.
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