Well this has been going on for a while and it is finally time to address the problem. The rear differential has been leaving little drips on the floor of the garage and I like a clean floor.
This is quite ugly and needs to be addresses
The brake lines that run across the axle need attention also. I was going to order Stainless Steel form lines so that they would have the rape on them the stock lines have. I have decided against that as I trailer this jeep and I want to put the lines where the tie down straps will not run across them. I wonder if I can find the rape somewhere and slide it on to the lines I will bends up?
If you look close you will see the gears are pitted, but the wear pattern looks ok. The oil that came out was disgusting, it looked like thin mud.
The last person that was in here put the wrong gasket on. My understanding is that the original two piece axles have been replaced with one piece axles.
The differential cover has been cleaned up and sand blasted
The gears were covered to keep debris out of them and the surface of the differential was scraped clean.
The bolts have been cleaned up, the differential cover has been powder coated gloss black (I use gloss because it will soon enough get covered with dirt and such and will appear semi-gloss or flat black as it should. Look at the gas tank cover, it was powder coated gloss black when I replaced the tank.Also shown is the correct gasket, I HATE CROWN quality though
Gasket is installed and smeared with black silicone sealer.
Cover is installed and all the bolts are tightened down finger tight. The cover and sealer was allowed to sit overnight to cure.Look closely, you will see another problem that needs to be addressed. I missed it. This will all have to come apart again before the trip out west happens.Do you see it?
In goes the oil. I elected to use the oil specified for towing applications. The book said 80 – 140, I could only find 85 – 140
It is full. My hand is shot from squeezing the bottles.
So…there is the mystery problem that can be seen in this picture. The brake lines that need to be replaced, the axle tubes that look bad compared to the differential cover. I think the best thing to do is pull the axle (eight bolts for the springs), two bolts for the shocks (they were just installed two years ago), the brake lines which need to be replaced anyway, and the emergency brake cables and the axle come out.