1984 Jeep CJ-7 Progress 2011 11 20
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This week’s car nuts meeting’s project was to remove the transfer case.
Peter Smothers (from the Jeep Forum) and I talked on the phone about my problem.
It was discovered that the front drive out of the transfer case turns freely, and that both shift rods at the front of the case are even. This would say that the case is in four wheel high (you should not be able to turn the front drive shaft).
The rods cannot be shifted so that one is in and the other is out (two wheel high). This indicates that there is a problem inside the case (even if that is not the problem with the rear wheels stuck).
Current the plan is to pull the case this weekend. (Not hard at this point as the skid plate is already down) This will give me a chance to 1) see if the output of the transmission turns, 2) see what the problem is with the transfer case, 3) clean all the gunk that is on the case , frame, skid plate, etc, 4) Powder coat the plate
So we start with a Jeep that is slowly being taken further and further apart, and started to take it further apart
I was not kidding when I said it was guncky under the Jeep, It will get cleaned up | |
Got the case out and on the ground. |
Carried it down to the basement and got it onto the workbench, where the committee discussed the next step |
It was discovered that someone had been here before, just as we discovered with the transmission. The rubber bushing that slides down on top of the shift rods is in backwards and the steel retaining washer that holds the ruber washer is missing | |
Took the inspection plate off the bottom and could find nothing wrong other the gears did not seem to be lined up correctly (rear output yoke still would not turn, the front one turned freely). We still could not get the transfer case to shift between L4 N H2 and H4. We came to the conclusion that the shift linkage itself was the problem, that it was frozen in place by mud, rust, and gunk. After struggling to get it apart, we were able to free it up and get it to shift | |
So parts have been ordered, and some have been donated from members of the Jeep Forum, time to start some Spring cleaning | |
I know the case is steel and should be black, but this will not become another 1970 SS El Camino project. I do want to drive it sometime this year. So…. the case will remain painted dull Aluminum. I will add some black powder coat accents, and I also powder coated the shift lever | |
Work has also started on the skid plate | |